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Graduate Education in the USA

With thousands of universities, the United States offers a wealth of higher-education opportunities in academic and professional degrees for scholarship holders to achieve their academic and career goals in the United States of America.

Here are some of the reasons why many international students want to study in the United States of America:

Academic Excellence: American Universities are among the world's leading academic institutions and are known for their resources and first-class faculty. Accreditation agencies in the United States adopt standards to maintain their institutional quality.


Variety of Opportunities: There are thousands of colleges and universities in the United States, each with a wide variety of academic and social environments and various admissions requirements, majors, and programs. As a result, the higher education system in the U.S. has something for everyone.


Diversity: U.S. universities house people of all ethnicities from all over the world, and from all cultures and interests.


Value: Studying in the US offers great value compared to what it costs. The education institutions in the US provide various options to help with paying college bills and living expenses by splitting them into monthly installments in addition to offering some financial assistance to make it easier for students to study in the US.


Flexibility: Students in the United States enjoy the liberty to pursue different courses and programs. They also have the option to transfer from one educational institution to another.

The Omani Cultural Division supports Omani graduate Students by following up on their applications with the universities after their submission. However, it’s the sole responsibility of the students to apply and submit all the required documents because each university and each program has different admissions requirements.  

For more information about the types of admissions and requirements, please check the following links:

  • Graduate programs Application requirements.

​       Click here

  • Types of Admission to Graduate Programs.

       Click here

  • Health Insurance Coverage for Graduate Students.

       Click here

  • Tips for Choosing the Right Graduate Program.

       Click here​​

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